



After confronting devastating questions of sexuality and gender with parents who pastored a conservative church, Isaac quickly realized there were very few resources for his family. He also learned that there were very few safe places where he could learn about his true identity without judgment or predetermined agendas. Over 10 years later, Isaac has grown the iAmClinic team to 10+ therapists and launched a sister company, iAmCouncil, to provide life and relationship coaching to individuals nationwide!

I chose counseling because I was once a young closeted kid that felt incredibly lonely, anxious, and lost. In wanting to heal and grow, it was important for me to find the answers for kids like me and families like mine, so that we could all experience the true connection and utter satisfaction I so deeply craved. It was with this motivation that iAmClinic was born. Before iAmClinic and the completion of my graduate studies, I spent time working in Child Protection and served as a project supervisor for a counseling program in the nonprofit world. I also worked in the main operating room at The Children’s Hospital. 

As a professional counselor, I use the techniques and insights given to the field of talk therapy by seminal authors/researchers like Pia Mellody, Terrence Real, Peter Levine, and Bessel van der Kolk. I interweave research-based modalities like Neurofeedback, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, and Somatic Experiencing, as well as empirically-based theories such as Attachment Theory, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Feminist Theory into my practice. As I stepped out of the closet with anxiety, depression, and many unwanted behavioral patterns, I saw my healing journey as not only personally necessary, but as professionally worth it. I not only wanted to talk the talk, but also walk the walk. And as a clinician I believe it is important to be equipped with the knowledge, treatment interventions, and the skills to be effective in all facets of my clients lives so that I can offer the healing that changed my life to others. I believe in therapy, not because I have read a bunch of books, but because I am one major success story. When clients walk out of my office for the last time, I want them to feel the same liberty, connectedness, and internal peace therapy helped me discover. 


  • Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • 11+ Years Of Experience
  • Served as Executive Director for one of the longest standing LGBTQIA+ organizations
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Certified
  • Neurofeedback trained in the Othmer Method
  • He is invited to speak at conferences and forums across the nation, and a contributor to The Huffington Post

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MA Candidate


In my own journey through life, therapy has had a profound positive impact on my confidence, happiness, energy, and sense of peace. My own healing has led me towards becoming a therapist to help heal our hurting world, one person at a time. It is my hope that we can work together to help you find love and acceptance for all of yourself and the peaceful confidence that comes with it.

I recognize that this can be quite challenging due to societal standards, expectations, and pressures that influence the stories that we tell ourselves, especially when coming out and being true to ourselves is met with resistance or worse from others. I am passionate about working with individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, shame, self-esteem, sexual or gender identity and other LGBTQIA+ issues, life transitions, body image, relationship/family/friendship issues, psychedelic integration, personal motivation, or fitting into societal expectations or “norms.” I am also excited to work with and support romantic monogamous or ENM relationships using the Gottman method and Emotionally Focused Therapy. 

I am currently a graduate student studying Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Naropa University, with a concentration in Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling. I have a Master’s degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs, and have been in helping professional positions for the past 8 years. I have a background in Motivational Interviewing and continue to utilize a Person-Centered approach to therapy in order to individualize the therapeutic experience to what your needs are. 

The connection between therapist and client continues to be shown to be incredibly important for healing, so I wanted to take a moment to tell you a bit about me. I am a gay/queer, polyamorous, white, cis-man in my early 30’s. I was raised atheist but spent time in my early adulthood exploring various religions, and now identify as spiritual and enjoy a lot of Buddhist teachings. In my free time, I enjoy lifting weights, meditating, cooking, listening to podcasts and audiobooks and playing video games or board games. 

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